copyright Joy Johnson All rights reserved.
Artist Joy Johnson Photographer Inventor
art, photography, montage art before and after computer, animal and dog photographs. inventions, unique humorous original fine digital graphic art design and video, Dog Dial Signs!
1415 Eleventh Avenue San Francisco, California 94122-3604
United States of America, Planet Earth, the Universe
Phone and Fax (415) 665-3530
Email Joy
Bio.....BBuy Art
Order Form
Joy Johnson Art
Before Computer..... After Computer
Intermission..... Inventions
Walking DVD Art Show..... Surprize Ending
Joy Johnson Art Before Computer
Self comisiones... Animal and Dog Photography ..... Portals of the Past..... World Map
Columns..... Drop Houses..... Life of An Animal Photographer
Labrador Dog Bumper Sticker
Self Portrait : my first project in photography was to learn Hollywood style lighing for portraiture. I still havent done that, but I came up with lots of self portraits. This is my most elaborate. I figured I should use myself for the model in my art so I wouldnt have to think about anybody elses rights.
The L. Joy Johnson Band (image of Joy Johnson)
Animal and Dog Photographs were my second photography project . I took about 200 rolls of film in about 35 locations in about five countries. So I have alot of Stock Animal and Dog Photographs. Im scanning them now as you click. I also do custom pet photography.
Lion Joy......................................................................Lioness Joy
Beluga Whale Vancouver
Dog Spotted Wondering
HOME ....
Portals of the Past I always loved the montage. Its an art form when anything can be together and anything can happen. All the elements of my montages are my own original photographs. I used to use my 35mm camera, scissors, copy stand, no lights, and a secret step to make my montages. This series, Portals of the Past (a lake in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California) was the first of my series of montages. It took me eight months to complete.
The Eternal Gaze................................................................................Double Elephants
Quatro Tiger Treat................................................................................Baby Tiger Assortment
Prong Horn Antelope .....................................................................................Hippos
World Map
The world is made of animals and we should save it. I love taking close ups of animals. I call them my Fur Frames. I photocopied a map of the world, taped my fur frames to it, cut it all up, and rephotographed it. This one has a wet bubbly version.
World Map
Columns (Columella) I went around town taking pics of columns. It only took me a month to cut them all up! I laid them out in all the designs, then rephotograhed them over and over until they were perfect or good enough. My stuff took lots of rolls of film. Columella is the medical term for the two stripes between your lips and your nose.
Woven Pot Holder ................................................................................Wall
Infinity ....................................................................................................Helter Skelter
Drop Houses I Do live in San Francisco, so I probably will never get to own a home. So I made my own. Included are pieces of Beatle homes in London and Liverpool. The green door of the purple house is to John Lennons first apartment, etc.
Soggy Silver ...............................................................................................Purple Puddles
Blue Bubbled .........................................................................................................Red Rain
Life of an Animal Photographer Id been taking so many animal photographs so many places. I combined my self portraits with my animal pics.
Puma Joy (image of Joy Johnson)
Labrador Dog Bumper Sticker: Pardon Me, But Arent You Labradorian? $2.95
Labrador Dog Bumper Sticker
Joy Johnson Art After Computer I finally got my Lap Top Apple MacIntosh Computer July 14, 2003, and my Adobe Photoshop. It was really hard and horrible for me to learn to use my Computeroid. However, I always win those contests when they pull my business card from their fish bowls. I won a two day Photoshop course!
Then I spent the next year or more going thru all the Photoshop things, (filters, layer styles, etc). I needed something easy to use for subject matter, so I used my lips.
Lots a Lips.......... Dog Art.......... Symbols ..........Flute Tiger
Flute Zebras .....SSan Francisco Tourist Posters
Luv Joy..........Patriot Art
Lots a Lips
Classic ........................................................................................................Full House
Orange TV Tube............................................................................................ Lemon Polka Dots
Lip Plaid Metallic Pink............................................................................ Perspective Gold Nuggets to Liquid Gold
Balance ........................................................................................................Purple Swedish Joy
Four Quadrants ............................................................................................4Q Polarized
Lips Without a Face ....................................................................................Purple Plastic Under Sea
Dog Art By the way, please keep your dog(s) on leash at on leash areas. No exceptions. Thank you.
Im a Good Dog - Youre a Good Dog! ............................................................Striped Dogs
....HOME .
Wooden Peace Is Nice ................................................................................Recycle Your Kisses
Lips Swim thru Plastic Peace Symbol ..................................................Lips Encaged in Brass Behind a Chrome World
Recycle Purple Neon
Peace Symbol Lip Lab
Flute Tiger
..........................................................................................Flute Tiger
Flute Zebras
Flute Zebra Blue................................................................................ Flute Zebra Green
San Francisco Tourist Posters:
Cotton Candy
..Ocean Beach
gate io отзывы
Blue Jewel Luv Joy .....................................................................................Blue and Black Luv Joy
Purple Wood Luv Joy ................................................................................Chrome Zebra Love Joy
HOME .....
Patriot Art a peace art piece comprised of lips.
End of Intermission
Inventions My dog canteen invention won Dog Fancy Magazines Editors choice Award for Best of New Products 1992. Inventing and patenting kept me busy for years. When I finally got back to my art, I literally had to dust off my photography equipment. I was reaching way back into my cabinet for my camera. My stereo speaker fell off the shelf and hit me in the head. It made a lump which hurt when I shampooed.
Award Winning Inventor Joy Johnson (image of Joy Johnson)
HOME ....
Dog Dial Signs have moveable hands to point to when doggie last ate, walked, peed and or pooped. Essential for busy households and professional dog walkers. $6.95
Dog Dial Sign
Walking Art Show I made slide shows and videos of alot of my art. I play them on a portable DVD player. I wear the DVD player around my neck like a necklace. Then I go out in the San Francisco Bay Area and give my art show at night. Im very shy about this.
sàn giao dịch gate ioBiography of Artist Joy Johnson Photographer
Buy Joys Art
all titled images on this site are available as 11 x 14 inch archival prints, which I print, sign, and ship (unframed and umatted) for the price of $200. Size 13 x 19 inch prints are $300. Plus $15 Shipping and Handling. California add 8.5% sales tax. Please see Order Form.
Cheap Way
Ill send you a post card! $50! Choose any titled image on this site, Ill print it on a post card, sign it, and mail it from me to you!
Order Form
Linx photographed by Artist Joy Johnson at Skansen, Sweden
Swedish Linx
Surprize Ending
Alls Cool that Ends Cool as long as the means are cool or justified.
Alls Cool that Ends Cool
I get too excited about my art work. I was dancing around cleaning my apartment. I almost broke my portable dish washer. I opened the door, and pulled out the dish rack with too much enthusiasm. The dish rack flew across the room only stopping when it hit the opposite wall. The dish rack then crashed to the floor breaking several dishes. I did this twice. Its not good for the door alignment.
Ive got tons of more art including more images from each of the series shown on this page.
The End...meanwhile, dont forget to Luv Joy!
Copyright Artist Joy Johnson photographer Inventor. All rights reserved.